Makstar Blog

13 Tips for Keeping IT Projects Under Control

Written by Makstar | Sep 25, 2023 11:38:44 AM

The ultimate success of the IT world relies on keeping things under control; whether you're an IT pro or newbie, we have 13 simple tips to guide you. These tips will help you with leadership, problem-solving, and communication issues. Let's dive into these strategies for your IT project journey.

13 Tips for Keeping IT Projects Under Control

1. Know Your Project Team's Strengths and Weaknesses

Knowing the team's Strengths and Weaknesses plays a huge role in keeping the projects under control. Just like Dr. Tim Lynch, the CEO of PsychsoftPC, suggests. “Some team members can work well, others need motivation, and some need more guidance. Treat each team member accordingly.”

2. Hold Weekly Meetings

Consider having quick, required weekly meetings, as Grant M. Howe from Sage Nonprofit Solutions suggests. Each team member talks about what they did last week in these meetings. What they'll do next week, and any problems they need help with. It's the most convenient approach to keep everyone linked and accountable for their actions. This practice not only keeps everyone informed but also holds them accountable. It's a straightforward way to make sure nobody loses track.

3. Foster Clear and Effective Communication

Good communication is indeed the backbone of successful project management. Imagine navigating a maze with your eyes closed. That's what managing a project without open communication feels like. It can be tough, especially when many rules and decisions need approval. According to the PMI's Guide to Project Management (PMBOK), project managers spend 75-90% of their time communicating. It shows how vital communication is.

4. Hire Project Managers with IT Experience

Thinking about your project managers' technical skills is crucial in IT projects. IT teams tend to be wary of managers who need to learn the technical stuff, especially when things get tricky. To build trust within your IT team, one solution is to hire project managers with a solid tech background. These folks can be lifesavers when tech issues pop up.

5. Use Collaboration Tools

Sending lots of emails with attachments can take a significant amount of time. Plus, important stuff can get lost in all those emails. Instead, use a project management tool that helps your team talk and work together in one place. It's like your team's central hub for sharing files, setting deadlines, giving out tasks, and monitoring how the project is going. It's super handy and makes everything flow smoothly.

6. Celebrate Milestones

When your team accomplishes something important, remember to celebrate it. It's like giving them a high-five. It makes everyone feel good about their job and driven to accomplish more. Even if some team members have bigger jobs than others, every person's role matters. So, recognizing their hard work can make a significant difference.

7. Adopt Automation

Sometimes, you can let the computer do some of your work. For a project manager, this may be a huge time saver. Automation can do tasks like deciding who does what and keeping tabs on task progress. It also notifies you immediately when something crucial occurs. Not using automation can slow down your work and make projects take longer.

8. Set Clear Goals for Your Project

A good project manager understands that setting the right goals is important. It helps in completing projects successfully and keeping everyone satisfied. As Pablo Picasso once said, "Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan." It means you have to believe in your plan and put in the effort to make it happen. There's no other way to succeed.

When your project goals are unclear, your productivity suffers. According to a survey by Asana, 27% of people said that one of the reasons they're not productive is unclear processes.

9. Review Your Project Delivery

After you finish a project, looking back and seeing how things went is essential. Did your plan for handling risks work? Did you complete the task faster than expected?

You should always ask these questions to yourself to be ready for future projects. And whatever challenges they bring. Every project you complete is a chance to learn. It helps you understand what did and did not work.

10. Learn your Lessons

Mistakes happen in project management, but they serve as learning opportunities. Instead of feeling bad about them, consider them as opportunities to improve. You can jot down improvements for your future project. Use these suggestions while you work on your project. You can talk briefly during the project about how things can be improved. Seeing mistakes as chances to learn gives you more control over your next project.

11. Maximize Team Collaboration

Collaboration is the secret sauce for smooth project management and success. Imagine you're on a road trip with your friends. Keeping your project on track is like having a GPS that guides you to your destination, ensuring you reach your goals without getting lost, just like how you need a good atmosphere in the car for everyone to have a great time, creating an environment for your team to collaborate is crucial. It's like making sure everyone in the car enjoys the journey together. Team members should easily connect, share files, and quickly tackle problems.

12. Minimize Distractions

Distractions slow down a project and mess up your progress. They can appear out of nowhere and disrupt your workflow and productivity. These distractions might come from chatty coworkers or office noise. Or getting caught up in useless email conversations.

So, spotting these common distractions and taking charge of your productivity is essential. You can use effective strategies to avoid distractions from your project work. Turning off notifications and organizing your workspace can help you stay focused.

13. Use Structured Strategic Thinking

Successful multi-project management relies on structured strategic thinking and organization. It's about taking a step-by-step approach that starts from the big picture and works its way down.

First, the leader identifies a clear top-level goal. From there, they break it into smaller sub-goals and specific tasks. Each task is assigned to team members based on their strengths. They take ownership and manage their part of the project within this clear structure.

Take Away

In IT project management, control is the key to success. These 13 tips emphasize effective leadership, clear communication, and continuous improvement. They serve as a reminder that it is all about technology, people, and adaptation. Following these suggestions will equip you to thrive in IT projects with confidence and success.